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Parent Association

Parent Advisory Council

Our parent advisory council is an active and committed group of individuals whose purpose is to foster the well-being and effectiveness of our school community and enhance student learning.  Through the co-operation of parents and school staff, our goal focusses on a successful learning experience for each of our early years students.

Our membership is open to all parents as well as residents in the catchment area who are interested in the education and well-being of students.

Donwood School encourages parental involvement in education. The Donwood parent council's role is advisory only. The council's operation and composition is governed democratically and executive officers are elected annually in the spring. The PAC meetings are held in our school hut.  Our meeting dates are located on the school website and in our school newsletters.

The council is a volunteer organization dedicated to:

  1. Increasing the educational opportunities for our students
  2. Improving the relationship and communication between parents and school personnel.
  3. Promoting community interest in the school
  4. Promoting parent involvement in the school system.
  5. Supporting the school with fundraising endeavors
  6. To establish a means whereby it is regularly accountable to school community for its activities and expenditures. 
  7. To co-operate with school boards, principals and teachers in performing its role. 
  8. To provide a forum for discussion, as a source of information for parents and an effective means of communication between the school and the community.

As indicated in The Family is Critical to Student Achievement, a survey of research published by the National Committee for Citizens in Education (a U.S. non-profit advocacy group):

  1. The evidence is now beyond dispute. When schools work together with families to support learning, children tend to succeed not just in school, but throughout life. In fact, the most accurate predictor of a student's achievement in school is not income or social status, but the extent to which that student's family is able to:
  1. Create a home environment that encourages learning;
  2. Express high (but not unrealistic) expectations for their children's achievement and future careers;
  3. Become involved in their children's education at school and the community.

Through a partnership between school staff and parents, we can develop a school environment that is positive, supportive, and stimulating. An environment that helps students to meet their academic goals while developing positive attitudes and respect for themselves and others.

New members are always welcome.  If you would like more information or are interested in getting involved, please call the school at 204-668-9438


Last NameFirst NamePosition
DyckSilviaHot Lunch

Fundraising ; Greening

Member at Large


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