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Welcome to our school Library

Welcome to the library and to our program of information literacy. We believe that every student should have the skills necessary to navigate in today's information-rich society. Determining information needs, recognizing and selecting appropriate resources - whether print or online and managing the information are fundamental skills needed for successful academic research. 

Our library offers an extensive collection of French and English resources. Students visit the library on a regular basis to sign out books, read and conduct research. Students can also work or read in the library at lunch time by obtaining a library pass from their homeroom teacher in the morning.

Le défis de lecture d'été / Summer reading challenge 2024 (Grades 6-8)!

Grades 2-5 reading challenge:


Tatyana Krylov (library technician)

Cherie Brakel (teacher librarian)

Library Hours

Regular school hours

Lunch hour: 11:45 A.M. - 12:45 P.M.

About the Library

The library has a large number of books and e-books (Sora) in circulation. To allow for the best use of the facility, students have the responsibility of taking care of library books and returning them for others to enjoy.  If any books are lost or vandalized, cost of a replacement book will have to be paid.  All reference books must remain in the library.

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