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Parent Association

School Community Council (ÉCSCC)


To strengthen communications between the school and home, between the school and community. To increase parents’/guardians’ and the community’s understanding of school and classroom activities and of ways to support these activities.

All parents/guardians are members of the school community council and are invited to attend meetings and provide their support to the executive council.

École Centrale has an active community council which works cooperatively with the school in the best interests of children. The council organizes general meetings of interest to all parents, sponsors fundraising events and co-hosts special activities with the school. 

Parent Advisory Council

Our parent advisory council is an active and committed group of individuals whose purpose is to foster the well-being and effectiveness of our school community and enhance student learning.

Our membership is open to all parents as well as residents in the catchment area who are interested in the education and well being of students.

We provide feedback on issues of importance such as school philosophy, mission and vision, school policies, programs and direction. We also organize special events which benefit our school and community.

New members are always welcome. If you would like more information or are interested in getting involved please call 958-6426.  



  • CHAIRS - Kelly Hebert and Giselle Cox
  • VICE-CHAIR - Amber Kraus
  • TREASURER - Ceilina Stardom
  • SECRETARY - Chi Ngo

To  contact phone  204-958-6426 and you can leave a message with the school secretary.

Standing committees

  • Hot lunch Coordinator : Leah McKee and Kristin Dawn
  • Volunteer Co-ordinator : Melissa Welch
  • Fundraising Coordinators : Ceilina Stardom
  • Yearbook Coordinator:  Amber Kraus

 Ad Committees

  • Playground co-ordinator : vacant
  • Special Events :  Kimberly Teerhuis
  • Facebook co-ordinators: Patricia Pare


Useful Links
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